Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Warnings You are About to be Laid Off - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Warnings You are About to be Laid Off - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Unfortunately, there is no job as a secure job nowadays. Layoffs are a reality in the corporate world. Thus, everybody can face a lay-off at some point in their careers. Don’t worry, though! There are ways to notice the lay-off before it happens. If you don’t regret the signs and act quickly, you can change your job and avoid being laid-off. Your Company Lost an Important Business/Client: If your company loses an already existent major client or business, it means it will lose most of its revenues. It also means that the employees working for that client will now be unassigned unless the company assigns them to another project. When an employee is unassigned, s/he won’t bring value and revenue to the company. Therefore, this employee will probably be laid-off. If you are one of those employees who is unassigned, make sure to find yourself another project within the company and make yourself assigned. Otherwise, start updating your resume and LinkedIn profile. Reorganization Within the Firm: You start hearing the term “Restructuring” or “Reorganization” within the company and as a result of this reorganization, your company will downsize or merge with another company and some departments will vanish from the organizational chart. Be careful! If you are working in one of these departments which will vanish after the reorganization, try to change your job within the company or start looking for another job. All of a Sudden Your Manager is Changing Jobs: If one day your manager comes to you and out of the blue says that s/he is leaving the company at the end of the week for another job and if this new position is a lateral move with similar responsibilities, you need to start getting worried. This may mean that financial charts are not looking good or top management is changing and they are going for reorganization. Immediately, start talking to your coworkers who may know what is going on around. You Have Fewer Responsibilities: The new project that you expect to work in is suddenly outsourced to offshore employees. As a result, you find yourself with projects which will finish soon and you don’t have anything to do afterwards. This is a sign that your employer is trying to change you with a cheaper alternative and is in the trial phase. That is why they give the new project to offshore employees and not to you. If the offshore employees do a good job, then your employer may no longer need to keep you.

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