Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Resume Writing - Pros and Cons of the Active Voice Or Passive Voice

Resume Writing - Pros and Cons of the Active Voice Or Passive VoiceWhile using the active voice, more emphasis is put on the sentence and the content of the sentence. This kind of voice is one of the most common in the English language. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the active voice.One advantage of the active voice is that it focuses on the content of the sentence. The sentences are used to make a statement about what the person is trying to say. For example, if a candidate asks you for a job, you could write in the active voice: 'We are looking for a sales representative with a strong sales background.' In this sentence, the sentence structure focuses on the statement.By using the active voice in your resume, you are stating a fact about the candidate's resume. In other words, you are stating what the candidate has done. To express this, the first part of the sentence focuses on the candidate's performance. The sentence may include the name of the in dividual, a short biography, and contact information.The second part of the resume is composed of facts and statements about the candidate's resume. For example, you might write, 'She has held executive positions at several of the leading, publicly traded companies.'The disadvantage of the active voice is that it focuses on the content of the sentence. If the resume focuses on the candidate's performance, the writing will be dull. It is also less effective if the person is using an informal style in the writing. The active voice can become tedious and boring for the reader.In order to use the passive voice effectively, you should use more adjectives and verbs. The best way to do this is to keep the sentence short. Try to include the relevant information in the first paragraph and then give the reader more information in the next paragraph. For example, instead of writing, 'She is a strong communicator,' you could write, 'She is a very good communicator.'The passive voice is not bad, however, if the resume writer is trying to be professional. This is the better way to write a resume because the resume writer can focus on the facts and not the content. One disadvantage is that it can be hard to read in resume letters. The passive voice can also make the resume seem dated and unimaginative.Resume writing does not have to be difficult. By using the active voice, you can write a resume that is both formal and concise. It is important, however, to avoid the passive voice when possible.

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