Monday, July 27, 2020

Time Off Requests for Exempt vs. Non-Exempt - Workology

Time Off Requests for Exempt vs. Non-Exempt - Workology How Do You Handle Time Off Requests for Employees? How Do You Handle Time Off Requests for Employees? Among cherished employee rights are time off, vacation time and sick time.   What do you do when an employee request time off?  Even if just for a half-day?   You are probably thinking to yourself,  â€œThat has got to be the dumbest question Haberman has ever asked.”  In reality it is not quite as straight forward as you think, because of differences in exempt employees and non-exempt employees, and how you handle time off requests differs with each. Defining the Non-Exempt vs. Exempt Employees The confusing issue is paid time off versus non-paid time off.   With non-exempt employees, it is fairly simple. According to the FLSA, non-exempt employees only have to be paid when they work, so they may take partial unpaid vacation days any time an employer authorizes the time. Because of this, absenteeism is kept to a minimum. Exempt employees are not so simple and how you handle their time off may run you afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Basically in the private sector employers that make deductions from exempt employees’ pay for absences of less than a day may jeopardize their exempt status  under the FLSA. This may expose the employer to liability for any overtime worked by the employees and even constitute a violation in paid time off laws. Paid Time Off or Absenteeism? Let’s review. Exempt employees are exempt from the FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime requirements because of the nature of their job duties and the fact that they are paid on a salary basis. The term “salary basis” is defined by the FLSA regulations as the payment on a weekly or less frequent basis of a predetermined amount that constitutes all or part of compensation, without reductions for variations in the quality or quantity of the work performed. Under this definition,  exempt employees generally must receive their full salary for any week in which they perform work, without regard to the number of days or hours worked. Generally if the exempt employee has paid time off available you can require them to use vacation time for partial day absences. This may safeguard the exempt status since this does not reduce the employee’s compensation. The  Department of Labor  (DOL) generally has considered this type of arrangement permissible. In the comments to the current regulations (implemented in 2004) the DOL specifically restates this position acknowledging that employers may make deductions from exempt employee leave accounts without jeopardizing the employee’s exempt status. Several courts have adopted this position, although a few have disagreed. Those that disagree have determined that this practice, even without an actual loss of pay, treats the exempt employee like an hourly, nonexempt employee and, therefore, triggers loss of the exempt status.  So you need to understand the state law where your business resides. If an exempt employee has taken all their vacation time, sick time or other paid time off the  FLSA regulations do allow docking of exempt employees for full day absences taken when the employee has exhausted absenteeism. Specifically, deductions are allowed for absences from work of one or more full days for personal reasons, unless those days are for sickness or disability. As an example, if the employee is absent for two full days to handle personal matters, those two days may be deducted from the employee’s salary without having an effect on the exemption. If you have a bona fide sick leave policy, plan, policy, or practice that provides compensation for loss of salary as a result of sickness or disability you may make deductions for a full day’s absence due to illness or injury. But if you had no such plan you cannot make these deductions. How you manage and  keep track of the time off, is up to you. Understanding the FLSA Act and the Regulations for Employee Rights According to the FLSA regulations  29 CFR 541.602(b)(2): (2) Deductions from pay may be made for absences of one or more full days occasioned by sickness or disability (including work-related accidents) if the deduction is made in accordance with a bona fide plan, policy or practice of providing compensation for loss of salary occasioned by such sickness or disability. The employer is not required to pay any portion of the employee’s salary for full-day absences for which the employee receives compensation under the plan, policy or practice. Deductions for such full-day absences also may be made before the employee has qualified under the plan, policy or practice, and after the employee has exhausted the leave allowance thereunder. Thus, for example, if an employer maintains a short-term disability insurance plan providing salary replacement for 12 weeks starting on the fourth day of absence, the employer may make deductions from pay for the three days of absence before the employee qualifies for benefits under the plan; for the twelve w eeks in which the employee receives salary replacement benefits under the plan; and for absences after the employee has exhausted the 12 weeks of salary replacement benefits. Similarly, an employer may make deductions from pay for absences of one or more full days if salary replacement benefits are provided under a State disability insurance law or under a State workers’ compensation law. Simple Exempt Employee FLSA Time Off Solution There is, however, a simple solution to problem of exempt employees taking half days off.  JUST LET THEM DO IT. Generally they are working more than 40 hours a week anyway. (If not, then you have another issue perhaps.) So if they have an occasional request for time off in the afternoon or morning off give it to them. After all, you are most interested in their productivity not their attendance. Or at least you should be.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Improve Your Relationship With Your Micromanaging Boss

Improve Your Relationship With Your Micromanaging Boss Improve Your Relationship With Your Micromanaging Boss In a perfect world, your manager would give you general direction when you required it, answer addresses when you have them, and give you a decent year-end reward. In any case, lamentably, that is not what number of supervisors work. Here and there you can wind up with a micromanaging supervisor who is continually investigating your shoulder, making you insane. Most micromanaging supervisors arent awful individuals, simply misinformed directors. You can utilize these five hints to improve your relationship with your chief. Assess if the steady amendments are important. While being continually adjusted and carefully trained can appear to be silly, here and there you need it. Does your supervisor continually ask you what youre doing in light of the fact that youre every now and again riding your web based life accounts? Does she approach you to clarify your arrangements for the afternoon, since you tend to visit with your collaborators more than you should? The legit truth is a few representatives should be firmly overseen in light of the fact that they dont remain focused, dont accomplish quality work, and dont perform up to the level their checks would propose. On the off chance that your manager is continually on your case, assess our own work propensities and check whether you have to make a few redresses. In the event that youre missing cutoff times or neglecting to react to messages, your manager is legitimately micromanaging you. Make sense of what is generally essential to your chief. Regularly, a micromanager centers around things that you dont believe are significant and, as a general rule, may not be significant. A supervisor may condemn the width of the lines on your spreadsheet, or need you to put your office supplies in a specific request around your work area. These things are completely irrelevant to you, yet they are critical to your chief. You can battle these things and stay hopeless, or you can say, Guess what? It doesnt matter how this table is designed, so Ill do what needs to be done the way the supervisor needs. It might be terrible, however in things that dont truly matter, you concede to the chief. A few managers have strange eccentricities, and the sooner you can make sense of them, the simpler your life will be. You might be abhorred to do this-all things considered, it detracts from your distinction, yet actually you were recruited to carry out a responsibility, not to act naturally. Presently, for too significant things, pushing back bodes well, yet for the easily overlooked details, simply yield. Dont simply ask what however how. Micromanagers frequently care about how things complete, not simply that they do complete. Spare yourself a boatload of agony by soliciting how toward the start of the undertaking. It might be amazingly obvious to you that the best possible advances are A, B, C, and D, yet in the event that you ask your micromanager, she may answer, A, C, D, B. Presently, obviously, you should push back (tenderly) if that is crazy, however on the off chance that its only not the same as what you would typically do, feel free to do it her way. After youve demonstrated your success, you can attempt one of the means above to inquire as to whether you can deal with the how all alone. Request more opportunity. Here and there micromanagers oversee work intently on the grounds that they are completely persuaded that on the off chance that they quit coordinating all that you do, youll quit working. They regularly demonstrate this since representatives become so dispirited while working for them, that they do simply surrender and stay there when nobody is giving bit by bit guidelines. Directors can regularly be persuaded on the off chance that you can show skill, so inquire. Start with something like this: Jane, I truly welcome the coaching youve given me since I began, yet I think Im prepared for more duty. Rather than meeting with you consistently to talk about my venture, would we be able to have a week by week meeting? On the off chance that I run into issues, Ill come to you straight away, however I think Im prepared to fly all alone. Notice that youre not simply saying, Take a deep breath and relax, you insane control crack! Youre expressing gratitude toward your supervisor for coaching you, which makes your manager think its her great administration aptitudes that have carried you to this point. Truly, this is sucking up. Indeed, it works. On the off chance that your manager concurs, you have to work more enthusiastically than youve ever worked before in your life. Dont mess up; you just get one possibility. Give extraordinary consideration to the irritating little idiosyncrasies that your supervisor believes are significant. Be straightforward. Now and again your micromanaging manager is ignorant that shes being excessively tyrannical. This is particularly the situation with new chiefs who arent agreeable in an administration job. The one thing another supervisor knows shes expected to do is to instruct workers and afterward catch up with them. Such a manager might be incidentally micromanaging you. So make some noise! Jane, Im a quite free laborer. For example, I did [successful undertaking A] and [successful venture B] to a great extent all alone. Its one of the fundamental reasons I was elevated to this job. Im beginning to feel somewhat covered when I need to duplicate you on the entirety of my messages and furnish you with visit refreshes. I work much better when I have a touch of opportunity. Your supervisor may state, Goodness, alright. A debt of gratitude is in order for telling me. Dont ever outline your longing for less oversight as youre awful, but instead as, this is a one of a kind need that I have. Bosses are frequently keen on doing what will realize the best outcomes and this region is no special case. By and large, dont simply surrender when you meet a micromanager. Attempt a couple of these tips, buckle down, and check whether you cannot resolve the issue all alone. - Suzanne Lucas is an independent columnist work in Human Resources. Suzannes work has been highlighted on notes distributions including Forbes, CBS, Business Insider and Yahoo.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Choosing The Best Cell Phone Tracker App

Picking The Best Cell Phone Tracker App Let me ask something to the guardians understanding this. How often you have been on edge to know your youngsters' whereabouts or what's going on with they and who they are with? I am certain the response to this is on many occasions. Kids neglect to answer to their folks about spots or individual they are visiting however guardians will undoubtedly get upset when they don't get news about their wellbeing now and again. It can likewise be the situation with us grown-ups like when we are on a get-away and visiting another spot we feel guaranteed when we are in contact with our friends and family. The answer for these issues is introducing a mobile phone tracker in your cell phone gadget. What are the highlights of a best mobile phone tracker application? Following are the fundamental and helpful highlights of the best mobile phone tracker like the mSpy telephone tracker application: One point access through the application gave dashboard which assists with survey exercises of the objective telephone Land area following of the phone with the assistance of GPS following framework Access to the sms and call logs alongside the names Checking all exercises happening through the web like getting to the program, utilizing moment dispatchers and so on. Let us examine the diverse telephone tracker applications in the virtual world: Mspy PDA tracker application Mspy is a basic and quick phone tracker application. This application enables the client to share their area continuously. Here, the client of the application is in charge of who sees and perspectives their area and furthermore the time span for they can see. This telephone tracker has a convenience as there is no compelling reason to join or likewise arrangement all the contacts. Constant GPS telephone tracker application: The Real time GPS telephone tracker is an extremely simple to utilize application as you simply need to follow the accompanying strides to introduce it and begin utilizing it: Download Real time GPS tracker on your cell phone gadget from the Google Playstore After download and establishment, dispatch the application and pick a username. Snap on the beginning catch and you are a great idea to go. You will be given a one of a kind URL which you can impart to your loved ones to check your area and stay in contact. Life 360 GPS following application: Life 360 GPS following application is a great application and strategy to stay in contact and guarantee the security of your loved ones by following their constant land positions and areas on a private guide. That as well as valuable for finding lost or taken telephone. The abovementioned and numerous application are accessible on Google play for download which are free as well as are enormously simple to utilize and solid. One ought to pick these applications as indicated by the cell phone they have.

Monday, July 6, 2020

What Health IT Professionals Earned in 2016 [Infographic]

What Health IT Professionals Earned in 2016 [Infographic] What Health IT Professionals Earned in 2016 [Infographic] As indicated by the 2016 Health IT Salary Report from, pay rates in the wellbeing IT field are higher than at any other time. In 2016, the normal compensation for an IT proficient in the wellbeing business was $93,469, generally $6,000 higher than the normal pay for a similar expert in 2015. On the off chance that youre looking to make a lifelong change, it may be an ideal opportunity to deal with your IT abilities and head into the wellbeing business. The report additionally saw that wellbeing IT laborers tend as really cheerful in their occupations, with 79 percent communicating fulfillment with their jobs. Be that as it may, in spite of the significant salary and fulfillment evaluations, 49 percent of wellbeing IT masters said they werent happy with their pay rates. Pay levels in the field additionally give off an impression of being influenced by potential predispositions, as men earned 14 percent more than ladies and caucasian specialists earned 16 percent more than African American laborers. It ought to be noticed that wellbeing IT is a long way from alone in such manner; numerous fields reflect comparable compensation differences along segment lines. For more data from the report, look at the infographic beneath: